Church Services

The Village Church logo
We now meet together every Sunday as 'Village Church' at 11 am (except the 5th Sunday of the month) alternating between St John's Parish Church and the Methodist Church. 1st and 3rd Sundays at St John's, 2nd and 4th Sundays at the Methodist Church.
“The Lord God is doing a new thing”
Village Church is a new venture for worship and fellowship in Bamford belonging to the Methodist and Anglican Churches - local folk who know each other, who share a common yearning that God will bless this village now and in the future.
So - a visual symbol that encapsulates these thoughts.
Central is the cross of Jesus Christ reaching upwards and outwards, reflecting life giving water free flowing. From that source the new growth begins, green shoots which continue the potential for harvest.
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done"